
This section guides through the various options of setting up Kubernetes Web View in your environment.

Local Usage

Kubernetes Web View was primarily built for a (central) deployment, but you can run it locally with your existing Kubeconfig file (default location is ~/.kube/config). This will automatically pick up all contexts defined in Kubeconfig, i.e. works with single or multiple clusters:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -u $(id -u) -v $HOME/.kube:/.kube hjacobs/kube-web-view

Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser to see the UI.

Note that Kubernetes Web View does not support all different proprietary authentication mechanisms (like EKS, GCP), you can use “kubectl proxy” as a workaround:

kubectl proxy --port=8001 &  # start proxy in background
docker run -it --net=host -u $(id -u) hjacobs/kube-web-view --clusters=local=http://localhost:8001

If you are using Docker for Mac, this needs to be slightly different in order to navigate the VM/container inception:

$ kubectl proxy --accept-hosts '.*' --port=8001 &
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 hjacobs/kube-web-view --clusters=local=http://docker.for.mac.localhost:8001

Now direct your browser to http://localhost:8080

Single Cluster

Deploying Kubernetes Web View to a single cluster is straightforward as it will use RBAC and in-cluster ServiceAccount to talk with the Kubernetes API server:

kubectl apply -f deploy/

You can now use “kubectl port-forward service/kube-web-view 8080:80” to access the UI on http://localhost:8080/ or expose kube-web-view with a LB/Ingress. See Access Control.

Multiple Clusters

Kubernetes Web View can access multiple clusters via different methods:

  • Static list of cluster API URLs passed via the --clusters CLI option, e.g. --clusters=myprodcluster=;mytestcluster=
  • Clusters defined in kubeconfig file: kube-web-view will pick up all contexts defined in the kubeconfig file (~/.kube/config or path given via --kubeconfig-path). To only show some clusters, limit the kubeconfig contexts via the --kubeconfig-contexts command line option. This behavior is the same as for Local Usage.
  • Clusters defined in a cluster registry REST API: kube-web-view supports a custom REST API to discover clusters. Pass the URL via --cluster-registry-url and create a file with the OAuth2 Bearer token (--cluster-registry-oauth2-bearer-token-path). See the example Cluster Registry REST API.

Kubernetes Web View will access the Kubernetes API differently, depending on the configuration:

  • when using --clusters: no authentication method (or token from --cluster-auth-token-path, or session token if --cluster-auth-use-session-token is set)
  • when using --kubeconfig-path: try to use the authentication method defined in the Kubeconfig file (e.g. client certificate)
  • when using --cluster-registry-url: use the Cluster Registry Bearer token from --cluster-registry-oauth2-bearer-token-path
  • when using --cluster-auth-token-path: load the access token from the given file and use it as “Bearer” token for all Kubernetes API calls — this overwrites any of the above authentication methods
  • when using --cluster-auth-use-session-token: use the OAuth session token as “Bearer” token for the Kubernetes API — this overwrites any other authentication method and only works when OAuth2 Support is enabled

You can also combine the --clusters option with kubectl proxy to access clusters which have an unsupported authentication method:

  • start kubectl proxy --port=8001 in a sidecar container
  • run the kube-web-view container with the --clusters=mycluster=http://localhost:8001 argument

You can use --cluster-auth-token-path to dynamically refresh the Bearer access token in the background. This is useful if you need to rotate the token regularly (e.g. every hour). Either run a sidecar process with a shared volume (e.g. “emptyDir”) to write/refresh the token or mount a Kubernetes secret into kube-web-view’s container at the given path.

Finally, you can specify a list of external kube-web-view instances via the --external-clusters CLI option, e.g. --external-clusters=kube-web-view-us=;kube-web-view-eu= The list will be displayed in clusters page as static links.

Access Control

There are multiple options to secure your Kubernetes Web View deployment:

  • Internal service without LoadBalancer/Ingress: this requires kubectl port-forward service/kube-web-view 8080:80 to access the web UI. This is the easiest option to set up (no LB/Ingress/proxy/OAuth required), but inconvenient to use.
  • Using a custom LB/proxy: you can expose the kube-web-view frontend through a custom proxy (e.g. nginx with ACLs, AWS ALB with authorization, etc). The setup highly depends on your environment and infrastructure.
  • Using the built-in OAuth support: kube-web-view has support for the authorization grant OAuth redirect flow which works with common OAuth providers such as Google, GitHub, Cognito, and others. See OAuth2 Support on how to configure OAuth in Kubernetes Web View.

Namespace Access

Kubernetes Web View allows to limit namespace access with include and exclude patterns, examples:

  • use --include-namespaces=default,dev to only allow access to the “default” and “dev” namespaces
  • use --exclude-namespaces=kube-.* to deny access to all “kube-.*” (system) namespaces

Users can still access the “_all” namespaced resource lists and search across namespaces, but objects for non-allowed namespaces will be filtered out. You can use this feature to give users a more streamlined experience by hiding infrastructure namespaces (e.g. “kube-system”) from them.

Note that --exclude-namespaces always takes precedence over --include-namespaces, i.e. you can include all “foo-.*” namespaces (--include-namespaces=foo-.*) and exclude only “foo-bar” via (--exclude-namespaces=foo-bar).

Please use Kubernetes RBAC roles for proper access control, kube-web-view’s namespace filtering is just another layer of protection. Please also read the Security Considerations.